O. Okeng'o
Copyright by Okeng'o Geoffrey Onchong'a, July 2014
The views expressed in this article are those of the author alone
and do not whatsoever reflect the official position of any affiliated
institution(s) or employer(s), and while the author has put much
effort to ensure that the information contained therein is highly
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regretted. Any corrections, concerns, suggestions and complements can
be emailed to: geffok@gmail.com
week: 30th – 4th
July 2014, witnessed happening of the “4th Eastern-Africa Astronomy
Workshop 2014” held at the Le Palessa Hotel in Kigali-Rwanda. This
year's workshop- the fourth among a series of similar such annual
meetings conceived as an extension to the legacy of the highly
successful International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA2009)-, brought
together Eastern Africa scholars, academics and graduate students to
showcase their ongoing research in their institutions under the theme
of “astronomy for socio-economic & technological development”
. The keynote address was delivered by the Director General in the
Department of Science and Technology Rwandan Government Dr Marie
Christine Gasingirwa, who reiterated among other things that its time
for countries in the East African region to embrace teaching and
research in basic applied sciences such as astronomy for the benefit
of mankind. This statement was also echoed by scientists from the
region led by the current president of the East African Astronomical
Society (EAAS)-Prof Paul Baki- of the Technical University of Kenya.
The universities from the region represented in this year's meeting
included: The University of Nairobi (Kenya), The University of Rwanda
(Rwanda), Mbarara University of Science and Technology (Uganda),
Kenyatta University (Kenya), Busitema University (Uganda), The
University of Burundi (Burundi), University of Dodoma (Tanzania), The
Open University of Tanzania (Tanzania), Addis Ababa University
(Ethiopia), Kotebe University (Ethiopia) and Dire-Dawa University
(Ethiopia). The Entoto Astronomy Observatory and Research Center
(Ethiopia)-the first optical observatory in the region launched this
year- was also represented by its current director; Dr Solomon Belay.
Other key ongoing astronomy projects in the region were also
highlighted. These included: the African VLBI Network node at Mt.
Longonot (Kenya) and the East African Astronomy Research Network
Astronomy Fireworks
Known for the moderate high-altitude tropical climate
bathed by sunny days all the year round, the city of Kigali- the
famed capital city of the “green” East-African state of Rwanda
that began as a small colonial outpost in 1907-, was during the
period between 30th - 4th July 2014 playing
host to the “Fourth Eastern-Africa Regional Workshop in Astronomy”
held at the College of Education University of Rwanda. Among the
notable guests who attended this year's workshop were: Prof Edward
Guinnan from the International Astronomical Union (IAU), Dr David
Buckley from the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) and the
South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO), Prof Ernst Van
Groningen from the International Science Program (ISP) at Uppsala
University, Prof Neil Gehrels from NASA, Dr Takalani Nemaungani from
the Department of Science & Technology and SKA-South Africa, Prof
Derck Smits from the University of South Africa (UNISA) and Prof Paul
Baki the president of the East-African Astronomical Society, among
other invited delegates and a Rwandan government delegation.
Astronomy and Space Sciences; the fields of science that
lie at the heart of mankind's exploration and understanding of our
Cosmos, have since the aeons of ancient Greek ages of magic
and mythology fascinated and excited all humanity in equal
measure-both young and old. Armed with a burning desire to seek
answers to some of the grandest questions that perturb the human mind
today such as: How did the Universe begin? How and when did the stars
and galaxies form? How will the Universe cease to exist? Could there
be other intelligent civilizations out there hidden in the expanse of
space and time? Does dark energy-the mysterious anti-gravity force
tearing our Universe today really exist? If yes, what could be
its nature? Astronomers and cosmologists are today, more than ever
before, equipped with unprecedented theoretical and technological
tools necessary to study the universe with such high precision and
accuracy so as to shed some light on these questions and many more
with a pregnant possibility of generating new exciting discoveries.
Not to be left behind, the richly resource-endowed
continent of Africa, led by the Southern-tip of Africa “Rainbow”
nation- the Republic of South Africa- has over the last decade
displayed remarkable progress not only in her quest to increase
contribution to the world of science especially in the field of
astronomy, but also in laying ground to become the next destination
of choice, attracting and retaining world-leading scientists and
engineers, as well as offering world-class training. These efforts,
as evidenced in the ongoing astronomy mega-projects in Africa such as
the multi-million dollar SKA project, have began to bear fruits by
attracting some of the world's top scientists to live and work in
Africa. It is indeed a signal to the start of a dream coming true.
Centers of Excellence in Eastern Africa
In an effort to establish an astronomy teaching and
research hub within the Eastern Africa (EA) region, a number of
universities in the region are already offering Bsc astronomy and
space science programmes and most of them are at various stages of
preparation to offer astronomy and space science at postgraduate
level. On this note, Mbarara University of Science and Technology
(MUST)-Uganda is, in the next few months, launching the first
postgraduate training program that will see joint teaching and
co-supervision of Msc and PhD students within the EA region. This
initiative, a brainchild of the National Astrophysics and Space
Science Programme's (NASSP) pioneering Ugandan PhD student- Dr Edward
Jurua and Dr Simon Anguma of MUST, is a commendable effort that will
enable sharing of the limited human resource within the region and is
bound to boost human capacity development in astronomy within EA.
This program will complement other postgraduate programs offered at
universities in the region as well as help in harmonizing the
astronomy teaching and training curriculum in the region.
Apart from the undergraduate and postgraduate training
programs, EA will this year see the launch of the East African
Astronomy Research Network (EAARN) whose mandate will be to promote
the mobility of scientists and lecturers within the region in order
to boost collaboration, joint research and teaching by covering their
travel costs. The EAARN has already secured initial funding and has
just recruited a full-time administrator whose responsibility will be
to facilitate the day to day running of both the postgraduate
training programme at MUST and the activities of EAARN.
PhDs Increase in the Region
The last 10 years have witnessed a steady increase of
the number of PhDs within EA with the NASSP program at the University
of Capetown (UCT) playing a central role in training most of the East
African students. This, compounded by the increasing number of PhD
holders trained outside the region returning home to introduce and
teach astronomy programs at their home universities, will undoubtedly
position the EA region as a future regional hub in research and
teaching of astronomy and space sciences. With more PhD's expected to
return home and more programs being launched in EA, the next few
years will definitely witness a sharp increase in the number of
skilled human capital that will go a long way in helping to bridge
the existing astronomy skills gap in the region, and hence provide
the necessary manpower needed during the construction, maintenance
and utilization of major upcoming projects such as the Square
Kilometre Array (SKA) and the African Very Long Interferometry
Network (AVLBI).